Rabu, 05 Januari 2022


Hi! How are you weebs?

It's now already 2 years since the covid19 pandemic started :( 
2021 was kinda like a time skip scene in a manga, it suddenly turned 2022 in a blink of an eye.

At first, I thought nothing much happened in 2021 and mostly I wasted my time by doing nothing, just at home, jobless. But after looking back, it's actually a big year for me because I finally got my degree, although kinda stupid I didn't look for a job right away like my friends did. Now I wasted almost 1 year by staying at home :(( 
A lot happened, actually we wanted to go to my mom's hometown for a while to refresh my brain after a lot of intense exams and uni life for 5.5 years (also wanted to do an internship there to get better experience), but due to some issues, we keep postponing it and suddenly it's already 2022! 

If there wasn't this pandemic thing going on, we actually would go to my moms's town and maybe travel around for 6-12 months and then I'll get a proper job here. But yeah.... instead, I wasted my 1 year at home by doing nothing lol 

Btw, I started a small business here, selling my artwork as stickers, shirts, tote bags and fabric face mask!
Also planning on printing these Attack on Titan manga panels on face masks! I'm sure it would be cool~ (Update will be on my business Instagram: Mari Tempel or my art Insta @marisalim_art)