Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Make Death Note Book!

Hi! Its been a long time since my last post. But now I'm here!
Do you want a Death Note book or do you need it for cosplay?

Yesterday I did Lawliet costest and I want to hold an Death note, but I can't buy it in Bali. 
I decided to make it by my self, I planed to print this cover: 

And then glue it to my book. But my printer was out of ink!!

Then I decided to make one by my own. Luckily, I had some black paper. 
I print this Death Note logo: 

Copy it on my black paper using carbon paper and then color it white with acrylic color (If you dont have it, just use other color like water color, crayon or type x)  

And thats it!
I don't know if this is useful or not... 
Just an easy tips :) 
